About Us
The Blue and Gold (TBNG) is SMU's very own student-run publication, delivering thoughtful and engaging articles to 9,000 active students on a weekly basis, contributing to a thriving community that we are based upon.
We cover exciting on-campus events, lifestyle features, noteworthy profiles, and op-eds that tug at your heartstrings.
TBNG is also the home of Dear Madison (DM), a platform for students to share their personal stories, thoughts, and concerns anonymously with our resident Agony Aunt.
We are always looking to collaborate with businesses and non-profit organisations to engage the student community with great deals and fresh perspectives.
Drop us an email at theblueandgold@sa.smu.edu.sg now!

Our Team
Our team is made up of a bunch of fun and passionate individuals dedicated to creating engaging content for our readers.
If you think you have what it takes to write for us, then sign up now!

Veronica Lee

Managing Editor
Jovi Siah

Head Associate Editor
Swarnabho Sarkar

Head Associate Editor
Duncan Lim

Associate Editor
Dinushini Sithara

Associate Editor
Roop Amandeep

Associate Editor
Denise Tan

Associate Editor
Vanessa Nguyen

Marketing Director
Lim Yee Kheng, Leon

Marketing Director
Janelle Ang

Marketing Director
Helena Shymon