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Join us in Wonderland for ACF’s Welfare Drive!

Trisha Bajaj

From the 22-26 February, there’s an A in Wonderland, and it might not be Alice. The Arts and Cultural Fraternity (ACF) here at SMU is inviting you on a journey down the rabbit hole into an unknown, magical world of mad tea parties and games of wicket. Tumble down into attractive goodies and treats and participate in mind-boggling challenges because after all, we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad. So hold on tight, and immerse yourself in a wicked and colourful adventure.

Down the Rabbit Hole

As you fall down the rabbit hole, you might be wondering—who is ACF? Well, The Arts and Cultural Fraternity (ACF) is one of SMU’s constituent student bodies that hosts 22 clubs under its wings, with a wide variety of genres that includes dance, theatre, and music. It is well and truly a place to meet like-minded peers and build friendships that will last beyond your days at SMU #onefratonefam <3

No one could have prepared or predicted the dreaded word that starts with ‘C’ and ends in ‘ovid-19’. Lewis Carroll’s novel ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ makes us wonder how similar this past year has felt like falling down a rabbit hole and familiarising ourselves with a completely new world. Being back on campus for the upperclassmen this year probably felt a little odd and for the freshmen—a whole new journey. People are all over the place trying to get back into a routine.

We need a mid-semester breather—some time off to destress from this pre-stress stressing—and what better way than to dive into the whimsicality of disappearing cats and wise caterpillars. Or should I say the whimsicality of spunky Marketing Directors, nerdy Finance Directors and supportive Vice Presidents in fantastical welfare land?

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, an 1865 novel by Lewis Carroll

Mad Hatter’s Here To Get Us!

Surprise! You’re in for a treat. ACF’s two-part welfare drive includes priority sign-ups, and goodie bag distribution. *Cheshire cat grin*

Stay tuned as Week Six commences ‘ACF in Wonderland’ starting with the Welfare & Giveaway Priority Sign-Up from 14-18 February! I’m going bonkers thinking that it includes not one, not two, but six welfare bags up for grabs! All you need to do is follow @smuacf on Instagram, like and tag a non-ACF member in the comments (friends will have to follow the ACF account too) and write what is their favourite art form and why.

Goodie bags galore with the fanciful welfare from 22-26 February! But shh. . .we’ve got some not-so-expected insider information. Rumour has it the goodies range from healthy food vouchers and snacks to addictive candies and treats, perfect for our tea party (a.k.a midterm week L)! What are you waiting for? Active ACF members should sign-up now!

To promote eco-friendly habits in a ~sustainable~ Wonderland, all winners of the welfare drive are requested to bring along a tote bag big enough to fit their prizes.

Off With Our Heads?

If the current pandemic was a person, it would be the villainous Queen of Hearts; no-one could have prepared for its horrors and evil! Getting back to the norm might seem like a battle in itself. But, ACF hopes to help you channel Alice and her strength and resilience to carry yourself and everyone else through these perilous and challenging times.

Whether you’re a member of VOIX and its multitude of musical opportunities, StageIT with its endless theatrical experiences, Funk Movement with its rhythmic passion, Broadcast and Entertainment with its vibrancy and talent or SMUSAIC with its expressive mediums— the welfare drive seeks to invigorate students and provide a small (but strong) cup of whimsicality and fun for all to enjoy.

So as we go on our way to fight the Queen of Hearts in the gallows of midterm week, sign up and enjoy the amazing welfare and stand a chance to win some special giveaway prizes. Keep a look out on the ACF Instagram page for more details on the welfare drive and other upcoming events! And don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the ACF family #onefratonefam <3

This article is written as a collaborative piece between TBNG and ACF. ACF Welfare Drive will be held from 22nd Feb to 26th Feb. Pre-event activities from 15th Feb. Visit @smuacf on IG to find out more.


© The Blue and Gold, 2025

SMU Students' Association (SMUSA)

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