Wildlife conservation is the need of the hour. Every individual has the ability to make a difference; all that is needed is some initiative on everyone’s part!

A few days ago, I came across this satirical cartoon on wildlife conservation with green humor. The technique of exaggeration and humor makes this cartoon effective in conveying a simple yet profound message on the urgency of wildlife conservation.
This cartoon truly struck a chord with me and helped me realize that the need for wildlife conservation is more pressing now than ever before.
More than one million species are on the brink of extinction and this number is only set to grow. Hence, we must act, act NOW!

Current State of Wildlife
The average size of wildlife populations has fallen by more than 70% in the last few decades.
Several animal species such as the golden toad and the dodo bird and plant species such as the St. Helena olive have gone extinct over the last few centuries. These alarming statistics suggest the need for a prompt and comprehensive solution to conserve our wildlife.
According to National Geographic, wildlife conservation can be defined as the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats.
Conserving animal and plant species is important to maintain and secure the balance of our ecosystems. It ensures biodiversity that allows for life to not only exist but flourish on earth. Wildlife also plays a key role in regulating our resources and ensuring a continual supply of them.
Causes and Solution
Major threats to wildlife stem from climate change, mining, habitat loss and degradation, pollution, and even epidemics. Several organizations and governments are working in conjunction to create meaningful solutions to respond to these problems.
Notable examples of this include the Abu Dhabi Marine Restoration programme which aims to restore about 500 species of fish and a few species or dolphins and turtles in the region. This project will also help boost eco-tourism, which is an added benefit for the country.
Other measures taken by governments across the world include sustainability laws and policies, bans on harmful practices and goods, and allocation of funds to wildlife conservation.
While these acts have the ability to make a difference, they are often not able to create a substantial impact due to extensive bureaucracy and lack of sufficient funding. Thus, we must understand that there exists a need for a collective effort.
YOU can make a difference
You and I also can make small efforts to help conserve the wild!
These can be anything ranging from volunteering at animal shelters or gardening hubs, donating to help conserve wildlife, adopting animals or planting native species, ensuring proper trash and sewage disposal, and increasing awareness on this issue through passion projects.
The cartoon mentioned at the start of this article is a passion project by an Indian artist who aims to increase awareness on wildlife conservation through his love for art. I was fascinated by this idea and it inspired me to write this article and put my passion for writing to good use.
Concluding Thoughts
At the end of the day, we live in a world with many pressing challenges other than wildlife dangers, such as global warming, a lack of education, gender inequality, political issues, and so on.
These issues cannot be solved overnight and surely cannot be solved by one person. These are global concerns, not local ones, and the only way to address them is to work together. Everyone has the ability to make a change, regardless of their age, family history, or educational background.
Small or large, a contribution is still a contribution and has the ability to bring about a positive and meaningful impact.