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The Double Lives of SMUSA: What it means to serve the SMU community.

Writer's picture: Jovi SiahJovi Siah

"Who will they be tonight? That's the question..." - Pharrell Williams

"Who are the biggest fish in SMU's student body?"

That's a question I pondered while wandering around during this year's Vivace, squeezing myself through gaps in the densely packed T-junction.  

Featuring over 150 different student-led clubs; Vivace is SMU's flagship CCA fair for our large and diverse pool of students to explore various extra-curricular activities offered to them during their SMU term! 

These clubs are organized and led by their respective governing societies; the  

  • SMU Arts & Cultural Fraternity (ACF); 

  • Special Interest & Community Service Sodality (SICS);  

  • SMUXploration Crew (SMUX); 

  • SMU Sports Union (SSU); 

  • SMU International Connections (ICON); 

  • and the Constituent Bodies (CBd) of each SMU school.  

However, there is one student-led office that overlooks it all; the student body and, by extension, the different governing societies in SMU. 

SMU Student's Association (SMUSA) is the university's highest office of student leadership, representing the interests of all students in every aspect of their university life, with the goal of providing a vibrant SMU experience to the undergraduate population! 

Big fish, even bigger pond.

Looking after over 10,000 SMU undergraduates is no easy feat. 

The responsibilities of SMUSA’s ExCo are large and great, and work is split among the various departments to ensure SMU students get the best out of SMU. 

Many think that because of this, SMUSA’s ExCo members do not have the luxury to pursue their own passions; that it is a decision between chasing personal interests vs doing something important for SMU

Yet, some key members of the SMUSA ExCo not only have the time and energy to pursue their interests but have led a much more exciting life than if they had not joined SMUSA! 

Singing in a band; DJ'ing; and even starting small businesses, let's hear about their "double life" as SMUSA’s ExCo! 

Singer Erika takes the stage; as SMUSA's HGS!

I’m sure many of us have wondered: “Who are the people aligning and documenting all the rules for clubs to follow?” 

Of course, our fate doesn’t only rest in any singular person’s hands; but one of the key members that’s part of this policy-making process is the Honorary General Secretary of SMUSA! 

That title belongs to Erika, who is studying Politics, Law and Economics in her third year. As a PLE student, her interest in the role came about when she realized that SMUSA’s HGS was more than just handling administrative work; that it was about policymaking, succession planning and constitutional principles, something she could apply her learnings to! 

“Being the HGS of SMUSA can be very rewarding; you do get to recognize the effects of the policies you’ve personally influenced in campus, as well as being able to have a deeper connection with the various clubs and Constituent Bodies in SMU and their passions.” 

“However, a lot of work and preparation goes into policymaking – rounds and rounds of revision between CBds and Offices. Procedures and conflicts can be stressful at times.” 

How Erika blows off this stress is through her passion in music – she’s a singer-songwriter in her band Valencia. (IG: @valencias.notes

Having grown up with music her whole life, Erika joined SMU SoundFoundry as a first-year student in pursuit of her passion of singing and songwriting – inspired by artists like Kehlani! 

“Whenever I feel overly distressed from my work in SMUSA, I write a song. To me, writing and singing comes naturally; it’s an outlet for me to express myself.” 

“Sometimes when I’m stressed with music, I bury myself in SMUSA work too!” 

Being part of SMUSA’s ExCo or a performing artist like Erika may seem daunting, but, as Erika puts it,

“Don’t be afraid to explore your capabilities and be open-minded. Push yourself to drive change for others and yourself.” 

Events Secretary Crystal starts her side hustle!

Sporting over 13 different camps and other various events for the entire student population, the summertime for SMU is an eventful one! 

As the organizer and planner of these big occasions, Events Secretary, Crystal, who is a third-year Psychology and Marketing student, plays an important role in planning SMU’s student events. 

To ensure that the attendees and facilitators thoroughly enjoy their experience, Crystal organizes and supports her own organizing committee along with planning a seamless SMU summer calendar for all student events such as CBd orientations. 

“I really enjoyed being a planner for the SMU Freshmen Orientation 2023 camp and doing it in SMUSA just felt like the next step for my personal growth.” 

"Being able to run for the SMUSA’s Elections with my friends made it feel like home for me; and now SMUSA has become a safe haven of people I can fall back on to me!” 

On top of being an Events Secretary, Crystal has also been working as a marketing and events executive; and just 4 months ago, had just started a small business, YiKa, with her friends! (IG: @yishukasg

“I’ve always wanted to have a small business, but never really had the time to think through it. So, when my friends told me about this idea, I immediately jumped at the opportunity!” 

Crystal and her friends sell kits for aesthetic and customizable phone cases online; if you would like a cute phone case you can customize to your liking, Crystal has just the thing for you! 

“Some of the most memorable moments were when we were sourcing for suppliers and packing the kits. It’s therapeutic to not focus on the results; but the process.” 

Juggling the commitments of academics; SMUSA ExCo; corporate work; and a small business can seem too challenging, but Crystal offers a different perspective:


“Just enjoy it while you can, because our youth will be the best time to explore different opportunities. Don’t focus too much on the outcome!” 

SMUSA’s in-house DJ; HFS Isabelle!

For anything done by SMUSA, one thing’s for certain: Cash is King. And Honorary Finance Secretary, Isabelle knows that best. 

Isabelle, in her third year of her Strategic Management studies, heads SMUSA’s finance department; managing all the accounts, bills and expenditure of the association. On top of that, she allocates the budget of each and every club with the Finance-in-Charge of each SMU CBd! 

“Being in the Organizing Committee of SMU’s Freshmen Orientation and SMU Stereometa has given me so many great memories to cherish; and I just felt the desire to give back to the SMU community.” 

“It was intimidating at the start, but the biggest challenge is in delivering good work to the community!” 

One fun fact about her: By day, she is HFS Isabelle; but by night, she goes by DJ Belle

That’s right; through SMU Stereometa, Isabelle has found her calling in the night life as DJ Belle, doing various gigs such as livening the SMU Freshmen Orientation 2023 rave!

(IG: @djbelle_

“Being a DJ is rewarding, knowing that so many people enjoy the music I play. It’s another hat I wear in my life; and being in SMUSA gave me the confidence to know that I’m definitely capable of handling it.” 

Being a popular DJ and HFS SMUSA isn’t exactly a smooth path, but Isabelle thinks:

“Eventually everything passes, and you are always your harshest critic.” 

Big boss of SMUSA and her mini-business; President Kelly!

Last but definitely not least, we have SMUSA’s very own President, Kelly! 

As President, Kelly upholds the interests of all SMU students, and represents us at various events, whether it be in SMU’s internal events; meetings between other local universities to champion youth rights; or even in nationwide events like the National Day Rally.

“To me, SMUSA is a place of growth. Just like seeds that are nurtured by the warm sun; we in ExCo are matured by many opportunities given to us by being part of the association.” 

“As students who have received much from SMUSA, we feel the need to give back and ensure its continuity too!” 

Kelly’s most exciting experience during her SMUSA term actually came hand in hand with a small business she started: omeletteok! (IG: @omeletteok

“I started hand-sewing scrunchies during circuit breaker because I wanted to try to sew something useful for myself. My mom sews, so we had a sewing machine at home I could use.” 

There were no plans to ever sell the scrunchies, but Kelly had made so much that she had to find a way to clear them. Eventually, it had become something that others wanted to buy from her! 

“Before I was in SMUSA, I had already made plans to set up a booth for my scrunchies during Patron’s Day. Never did I expect myself to need to man my booth along with hosting President Tharman and Ms Jane Ittogi through SMU!” 

“It was a tough week for me, but what helped me pull through were my friends in and out of SMUSA that were there for me; something I look back upon fondly.” 

Being a President and running a small business can be hard to do, and even harder to decide on doing. But Kelly has this piece of advice to offer:

“It’s normal for new ideas to seem scary, but don’t be afraid to try. You’d be amazed at the things you’re capable of!” 

What it means to be part of the SMUSA ExCo

To us, SMUSA may seem like a huge, life-consuming commitment; yet these amazing ExCo members prove otherwise, choosing to continue their interests. 

To them, SMUSA isn’t harbouring them from passions; in fact, it is through SMUSA that they are able to live an even more holistic and vibrant life, being able to express their talents along with giving back to the SMU community! 

So, what do you think? Could you be the next dancer; or TikTok influencer; or football star of SMUSA? 

What will your double life look like? 


SMUSA’s Elections is currently ongoing and nominations ends on 9th September, 2359h. All information can be found here.

Additionally, their holding their last info session on 6th September:

Date: Friday, 6 September 2024

Time: 4.30pm - 6pm

Location: SOSS CR 1-2

Refreshments provided!

Email Erika at or text @erikacious on telegram for more info! 


© The Blue and Gold, 2025

SMU Students' Association (SMUSA)

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